Colts Update - March 2024

Posted by Shelly Nash on 8 March 2024


Dear Kenley Colts’ Grownups,


We write with a couple of updates and a few dates for your diaries.


U10s-Tournament (24 March)


We have been invited to join a fun mini-tournament with Addiscombe Hockey Club and Croydon & Old Whitgiftian Hockey Club. The tournament will be held at Monks Hill Sports Centre (Farnborough Avenue, South Croydon CR2 8HD) on Sunday 24 March, 10.30 to 12.00.


The teams will be mixed U10s (current school Y5). We may be able to accommodate one or two Y6 children but will want to keep it fair across all the teams. If you would like your Colt to play in the tournament please email Tim on:


Please note that there is no additional cost for participating, but you will need to arrange your own transport to and from the tournament ahead of the 10:30 meet time. Given that we will be away from our home pitch and many other children and adults will be in attendance, we ask that parents and carers remain at the pitch from a safeguarding perspective…but more importantly you’ll be wanting to cheer them on!


Colts training will continue as normal on the 24 March (10.00 to 11.30) at Warlingham School for all Colts, big and small, not taking part in the tournament.



Colts Vs Grownups


We come to the time of the year when we traditionally have the Colts Vs Grownups match. Colts have been fantastic this season and it would be great for them to be able to show off their skills to you all and potentially take away the Grownups’ undefeated record….


Given the early Easter this year, we are going to hold the match on 7 April, meeting at 10.00 as normal at the Warlingham astro, and finishing by 11.30. We will then go back to the clubhouse (Kenley, Sports Club, Little Roke Rd, Kenley CR8 5NF) for the end of season awards and some food.


We were really lucky last year that a couple of parents helped out with the food and it would be greatly appreciated if we could get a bit of support again this year. We will provide some pizzas but if we could get some help with a few other bits and bobs that would be fantastic.


If you are able to help, please let one of the coaches know at one of the sessions over the next couple of Sundays or email Simon on: Please can you also let us know of any food allergies that we need to be aware of.



Summer Term


Over the summer term we are aiming to put on one session a month and will send an email round with dates once the coaches have huddled up and organised our diaries. These sessions are included in the annual subscription cost, are a great way to keep all the skills learnt front of mind during the long hockey break, and usually warmer than the Sunday’s during the season.




Have a good Mother’s Day weekend. We’ll try and tire them out for you on Sunday morning.






The Coaches



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